The Word of God Incarnate
"The Word of God was made flesh and dwelt among us."
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the Word of God. He is the revelation of God's heart in the flesh. In everything he said, and everything he did, he revealed the heart of God. Reading and learning about Jesus is restorative and healing.
Read the books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to learn about the life of Christ.

Serving and Revealing God
While we strive for upward mobility, Jesus practiced and preached servanthood.
He spent his life on earth teaching everyone around him truths about the kingdom of heaven, the character of God, and the care of God for humanity. He served people and met their needs, revealing God as he went.
“Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself,” he said. He taught us how to love, and his teachings are so impactful, they still reverberate 2,000 years later.
Read about the life of Christ in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

An Affront to the Powers that Be
Jesus upheld women, helped the homeless, and cared about prostitutes. If you’ve ever felt broken or out of God’s reach, know that as Jesus loved, so you are loved.
He was an affront to an establishment which sought to raise itself up out of a broken world by political and monetary gain. As he gained a following, the powerful felt threatened and his enemies rose up and conspired against him.

Sentenced to Death
Humanity is certainly broken and we can feel estranged from God. But the truth is that the price for our sin and brokenness has been paid. One final lamb took on the punishment for all.
The incarnation of the Word of God, through whom all things were made, the author of life, was not to be kept in the grave. He demonstrated his power over death, and was raised from the dead; paving the way for all who follow him.

The Power of Peace
The resurrected Christ is now sitting at the right hand of the Father. All power and dominion have been given to him, and of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.
The eternal creator of our world, the author of our hearts, and the one whose passion and love knows no bounds is most fit to govern our lives and our world. Consider the rulers of the earth, the greatest influencers, the political and economic powers that be, then read about Jesus' life, and choose which leadership you would like to be under.

And We Have Beheld His Glory
He promised to send the Holy Spirit to teach us all things. We were not always believers; but coached by a divine whisper, our hearts have changed, and we have known the glory and love of the author of our hearts. He has transformed our minds and renewed our hearts, giving us glimpses of insight into the heavenly realms both now and for an eternal future.
This is the testimony of the broken, this is the testimony of the loved.