the wisdom of god project
On Mission to Bring Sunday School to a Nation
Equipping People for Faith
100% of people I’ve talked to with a mature Christian faith have a robust knowledge of scripture.
Chances are, if you are among those people, this robust knowledge was passed to you in church as a child, before you ever thought to seek God on your own. Not everyone is so fortunate.
Wisdom of God was formed to share that same knowledge with people who have never had the same opportunity you have; so they can be equipped to make sound decisions of faith.
Founder, Teacher, Marketing Professional
Hi, I’m Jessica Moore, the founder of the Wisdom of God Project. As someone who grew up very broken in an atheist household, I know the value that the knowledge of God brings.
Because of people who took initiative to teach me who God is, my life was saved in so many ways. I’m so thankful to have a wonderful marriage, a stable household, and 3 amazing children. I only have all of this because of people who stepped into my life, sharing God’s wisdom with me—both in private ways and in public.
Now, equipped with a teaching degree and over 20 years of marketing experience, I’m endeavoring to bring the expressed Word of God (scripture) to people who need it most—those who have never encountered it and may never enter a church of their own volition. If this makes sense to you, I do hope you’ll join me!
How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?
“How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”
Romans 10:13-15
With only 36% of millennials associating themselves with church membership, the majority of people today are not equipped with the knowledge of faith like you were. They will make their decisions based on false narratives of the media, the pressure of those around them, and on false ideas that aren’t rooted in knowledge. The majority of people today are in danger of not knowing God and his great love for them.
We are bringing the wisdom of god to people so they can hear and believe.
A little BTS for you: This video was designed to share the initial inspiration that led me to start this organization. The making of this video was a real sign to me that I needed to work on my public speaking—so I’ve been practicing ever since! As someone who has spent a career hiding behind a computer, this was a big challenge to me. A big thank you goes out to Joe Boyle Cinematography for making this process easy and doing a phenomenal editing job.