Frequently Asked Questions

why was this organization formed?

There are forces at work in our society that are breaking down the wholeness that God intended for all of us. Many organizations combat the symptoms of brokenness in our society; but The Wisdom of God is designed to address the root issue—a lack of knowledge of who God is, what he intended for us, and the grace offered through Christ Jesus. Societal healing is most complete when it comes from a revival of salvation and knowledge of God.

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Watch a message from our Founder

how are you combatting this societal lack of knowledge?

We are bringing Sunday school to the public. Most mature Christians did not seek out their original scriptural learning by themselves—it was given to them by caring family members and Sunday school teachers. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples…” (Matt. 28:19) He didn’t say, “Wait for people to come to your church so you can teach them.” Our mission is to bring Sunday school into the public eye so people can learn truths about the kingdom of heaven, the character of God, and the identity of Christ. We do this mainly through a ministry of Billboards.

Why billboards?

There are two main reasons to use billboards.

One is reach: Billboards bypass the limitations of sophisticated media targeting which only reaches certain demographics and isolates messaging to a Christian audience. Scripture is for everyone, and billboards reach everyone who drives or walks past—regardless of their socio-economic status.

The second is cost. To reach 10,000 people with a direct mail campaign would cost $10-25,000. A billboard reaching the same number of people costs about $900. Advertising on social media is much cheaper, but the algorithms on social media and other media outlets route scriptural content to Christians. The objective of the Wisdom of God Project is to reach people who know very little about Scripture. Which takes us back to reason one.

So you’ll put billboards all over the city?

Not exactly. Our aim is Scriptural Literacy. Imagine a billboard you drive past every day. Now imagine that it displays Scripture. And then the next month, it switches to another Scripture. Over time, someone who knows very little about Scripture will grow in knowledge.

Aren’t we inundated with messaging already?

The alternative to adding our voice to the barrage of messaging in the world; is not adding our voice to the barrage of messaging in the world. Every growing organization uses a communication plan in order to get the word out about who they are and what they do. The Wisdom of God Corporation was founded on the idea that people need to know more about The Character of God, The Identity of Christ, and Truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. We believe that adding these truths to the communications that people see every day will bring life and salvation to those who are stirred by God’s Word.

Isn’t evangelism done best in person?

Jesus spoke with his disciples personally. He also shared information with groups of about 70 people. Finally, he taught on the mountaintops—to thousands. Some ministries focus on discipleship. Others on serving as Jesus did. This organization was formed to “teach on the mountains,” sharing the truths of God with the public.

And he read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant that had been found in the house of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 34:30b

There are many other examples of the Word of God being read in public including Nehemiah 8, 9 and Deuteronomy 31.

What kind of content will you be sharing?

The aim of this organization is to bring a Sunday School curriculum of Scripture into the public eye. 1) The Creation Story, 2) Key verses from the Old Testament, 3) The life of Christ, 4) The death and resurrection of Christ, and 5) Reflections on redemption from the Epistles. We believe that all of scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Are you affiliated with a denomination?

Our content is founded on Biblical content and core beliefs that many denominations share:

We were created in the image of a creative God.
We were designed to walk with God and follow him, in prosperity and joy.
In our choice not to follow him, we fall out of his good and perfect will, and face all manner of consequences, ending in death and separation from God.
Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, the Son of God, and walked among us.
He was the only sinless person to ever walk the earth, and the record of his life teaches us essential truths about who God is and who we are.
As foreshadowed by a sacrificial system that was initiated with the first transgression, Jesus willingly died on the cross as the final sacrificial lamb.
In Christ, our penalty of death was paid, and we were given access to the tree of eternal life once again.
As we live out the Lord’s prayer and God’s will, we usher heaven to earth now and for eternity.

I’ve seen billboards around, how are yours different?

Our billboards are designed to foster Scriptural Literacy (see questions about content, denomination, and billboards) and lead to a website that expands on the information and encourages people to take their next step of faith. The people who drive or walk by our billboards every day will grow in the knowledge of scripture, of God, and of Jesus Christ, so that they will be equipped to make faith decisions based on knowledge of scripture.

Are you forcing a Christian message on people who don’t want to hear it?

The Christian message is admittedly highly controversial. So are political messages, and marketing messages about illicit substances, gambling, and controversial activities like strip clubs. Presenting a message is not force, it’s an invitation to examine further.

It’s interesting to note that most Christians today were raised in church. Those raised in church were taught Christian messaging for upwards of ten years without having a choice about what they were learning. It’s the knowledge gained in Sunday School which formed a foundation on which the gospel can be understood on a deep, mature level. The aim of the Wisdom of God Project is to bring Sunday School to the public so that more people can have access to good news.

If I donate, where will my money go?

The Wisdom of God Corporation is a non-profit 501c3 organization, and operates on the following budget: 10% for administration, 25% for design/content creation, and 65% places billboards. All contributions accumulate in the Wisdom of God account until there is enough funding to place the next billboard (design + billboard placement) or cover website costs when they come due.

was my information protected?

The Wisdom of God Corporation will never sell or share your information. Our donations are processed with Donor Box which holds our record of online giving, and credit card information is processed by Stripe, the same payment processor used by Amazon. We never have access to credit card information.

How much should I donate?

It only takes 150 people committed to paying $7/mo. to support one billboard to bring a Sunday School to a single community. This giving approach is designed specifically to not get in the way of regular church giving or even caring for the poor. In this way, you can easily share in this initiative or invite your church in. It would be easy as a church to commit partnering with us to bringing a Sunday school curriculum to your community.

Yes, I’d like to join the campaign!

Finally, please pray—for leaders, nations, communities, and our neighbors, that they would know the fullness of the love of God and grace of the gospel offered in Jesus Christ. May God bless you as you reflect on these ideas.