The Eternity of Smallness
As you brush your hand against your own arm, 18% of your bodyweight is made up of carbon atoms. These carbon atoms are mostly comprised of empty space, and each atom has tiny little parts. Their electrons, protons, and neutrons comprise of orbits that resemble tiny little solar systems, and though quarks are the smallest bits we’re familiar with, there's no telling how small they go.

An Infinite Line
While atoms contain space and particles, points do not. Starting as early as kindergarten, we're taught to put points on a number line and start counting. Eternity is as apparent to a five-year-old as it is to an adult, when the realization dawns that there is no end to the counting, and no end to the points on a line.
And here is the beginning of the nature of God. His eternal nature is not just accessible to the most learned of humanity, but the awe of eternity blesses a five year old as well.

When Lines Form a Plane
Junior High Math introduces the addition of a “y” axis, we now add to our points, infinite lines in any direction. With the x and y axis fully populated, we’ve created a plane. A plane which continues eternally in any direction.
The line had infinite points going in each direction. Now the plane has infinite lines, going in any direction, with an inconceivable number of points contained with in it. This is the second dimension, and the points and the lines are contained within.

Our 3rd Dimension is Just the Beginning
Welcome to the third dimension, where there are infinite planes and three dimensional possibilities. No longer constrained to a plane, we can now build a box. This is where all of the atoms and the cell structures that we know exist. Mathematically, we’ve simply added a z-axis.

The Wonder of Our World Graphed in Math
When we plug values into even simple formulas, like z=2x2+2y2-4, we arrive at some exciting shapes. Now think about the miracle of these shapes which, incidentally, would be incomprehensible from the vantage point of just a single point, or a line, or even one plane. We are operating in the third dimension.

Infinite Dimensions Explode Beyond
Each dimension is additive. Infinite points make up the line. Infinite lines add up to a plane. When infinite planes stack, we have an infinite box in the third dimension. Visually we can’t represent a fourth variable added to the equation. But mathematically, not just a fourth variable, but the potential exists for the addition of infinite variables.
Just as a point exists in a line exists in a plane, so does the whole of the third dimension exist within the fourth, and not just the third dimension, but infinite third dimensions within the fourth dimension. Unseen from within the third dimension, but existing all around it.
Just as a point can barely conceive of a line or a plane, much less, a box; so is our comprehension of the fourth dimension inherently limited. But our limited comprehension does not imply lack of existence.